Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Welcome to the Kosmos

i created this blog to share some of my collection ... i have over 3,500 lp`s.
i am using an old vintage marantz 1150D amp [ thanks pa ! ], Yamaha YP-D4 turntable , seasound SOLO EX soundcard , & Cubase 5 to do all transfers.
this seems to capture the warmth of vinyl as well , which is really nice !
most of my wax is real clean so i hope to get some clean transfers.
maybe some recordings will be cd transfers , but the majority will be scare psych LP`s.
i have about a thousand cds , many of which are OOP & obscure enuff to share.
i have noticed alot of really obscure stuff being posted here & there. i will try & fill in the cracks as best i can , but i am sure there be someone / somewhere who beats me to the punch , so to speak. i just dont wanna waste time with something that is already avaliable , so i will try & keep my posts as original as feasable. all lp`s could range a bit in style , but most will be pop in nature.
all files are the result of my own effort & time , from my own personal collection. no files here are borrowed or otherwise mirrored & or cloned.
i expect the same reciprication.
enjoy your time in the kosmos & if ya take time to download the music , take time to let me know what ya think please!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


sad to say the blog will be in limbo for an indefinite period of time. had to move out of deep ellum in downtown dallas , now i am in BFE wylie texas - yee haw. should be able to restore contact at some point & start back up.. -- will try & keep current files updated throughout tho ; if u find a dead link , just make a comment about it & i will RE UP ! ! also will try & keep in touch some via the chat box on front pg - spin on kidz !